Get out the Vote!

  • Apathy and the feeling that nothing will ever change is the enemy.  
  • No exaggeration! Everyone needs to know that this is the single most important election ever to be held in Ramapo. 
  • If someone is going to vote just once in all their years in Ramapo, this is the one.  This vote is different.  This vote can change everything – for good.

 What can you do?

  • FlyerHandoutLEARN ABOUT IT. You need to know what to say. It is important that everyone know that this is the best way for everyone to have their own stake/say in a “better government”
  • TALK ABOUT IT. You need to talk about this. Frequently. At school functions, at sports games, at cocktail parties.
  • VOLUNTEER. We need help handing out flyers in front of stores, at events, and in churches. We need people willing to walk in teams to canvass neighborhoods and leave door hangers on doors.
  • EMAIL EVERYONE. Don’t be shy, email your friends. Include the latest flyer in your email: Ward Flyer 2014-09-15
  • PRINT OUT WARD INFO FLYERS and hand them out at sporting. school and church events and more.
  • PRINT ANNOUNCEMENT SIGNS AND POST AT YOUR LOCAL STORES: Supermarkets, dry cleaners, pizza places, delis, etc.
  • LIKE the Facebook page and choose to get updates.
  • JOIN the Facebook voting day event and when you are on the page INVITE YOUR FRIENDS.
  • INVITE your friends and neighbors to one of the local informational sessions.
  • DONATE NOW. We need money to keep making flyers, signs, hand outs and pay for facebook ads and newspaper ads.


There is less than a week to go. We still need help. Volunteers are needed to:

  • make photocopies
  • hand out flyers at key events until Election Day
  • help organize community meetings and neighborhood get togethers – if you can get people together we will come
  • drive people to the polls
  • help with absentee ballots if needed
  • post on facebook and twitter

Please use the Contact Form to let us know that you want to help and when you are available. Please check out our Calendar Page for our informational/organizational events and community events that we are targeting for flyer distribution.

Make a small donation

Make a small donation